Amid Reports of Ozempic Side-Effects, Lady Warrior Gets Women to Focus on Building Muscle and Recovery

Amid Reports of Ozempic Side-Effects, Lady Warrior Gets Women to Focus on Building Muscle and Recovery

I began to notice changes in my life and realized at the age of 45, I was perimenopausal.  This natural transition I began to experience was one that was not spoken much about, and I had no idea what its effects were on the body.  I began doing my own research and quickly realized how important strength training and lifting weights are to a woman’s entire body.  Strength training for peri and postmenopausal women goes beyond the high reps and excessive amounts of cardio.  We are now in a time of our lives where building muscle and getting enough protein into our diets is crucial.  It’s not only pivotal that women focus on building strength but also on sleep, proper nutrition, and recovery.  As we get older, creating external stress from lifting weights is what is going to help us improve our bone health and mental health and counter vasomotor symptoms, emotional distress, and body composition changes we may experience.  

Most women I talk to going through Peri and Postmenopausal have ONE main complaint, and that is weight gain, especially around their midsection, often termed “the menopot.”  With the onset of weight gain, women are turning to popular GLP-1 agonist drugs, like Ozempic, Semaglutide, and Wegovy, to lose weight.  These are common diabetes medications that have been getting all the buzz among Hollywood stars and their dramatic weight loss.  What women need to understand is that we cannot control what is lost: fat, muscle, water, or a combination of the three, and this is scary because, as peri and postmenopausal women, we CANNOT afford to lose muscle.  We begin to lose 3-8% of our muscle mass once we reach the age of 30, and this rate of decline increases the older we get, putting women at an even greater risk of losing more muscle by taking Ozempic, Semiglutide, or Wegovy.  

What we need to do is focus on building muscle, not losing it, and putting the fear of getting “bulky” to rest; it simply won’t happen.  The mindset needs to shift to “How can I make my body the strongest and healthiest it can be?”  and the simple answer is what I refer to as “lift heavy metal.”  Go out there and lift your ass off.   It’s not about endless hours of cardio; it’s about smart lifting sessions that include days with plyometrics (jump training) to build strong bones,  20-minute HIIT/SIT sessions to improve insulin resistance and mobilize fat, consuming enough protein to support your body and training, and making sure you give yourself time to recover.  

Recovery is one aspect that women don’t allow themselves because we tend to think more is better, but that’s simply not true.  Recovery is one of the most important gifts we can give to our body, and that is why I have created my Muscle RecovHER roll-on.  It’s a quick and easy way for women to start the recovery process as soon as they are done training.  You can keep a roller in your purse and gym bag, at work, in your car, truck, or trailer, by your bed, you can travel with it anywhere, and you can have access to RecovHER.  

Lady Warrior Announces Launch of New CBD Pain Relief Roll-on RecovHER

RecovHER roll-on gel is a new CBD formula for muscle recovery. A proprietary blend, including 1500mg of pure hemp CBD extract, gives immediate relief and penetrates deep to work into sore muscles and joints to alleviate aches, pain, strains, and stiffness. 


RecovHER Features:

  • Instant relief for aches and pains
  • Fights inflammation 
  • Easy, no-mess roll-on application
  • Aides in muscle workout recovery
  • Works into your muscles for long-term
  • Smells better than other brands
  • Five-star customer reviews!

Lady Warrior followers given early access to sample RecovHER recommend it for muscle recovery & pain relief. 

"I am amazed at how well RecovHER works and, most importantly, how fast it takes effect,” said Megan L. “My legs were very sore from lifting, so  I rubbed it over my thighs before I went to bed, and by the morning, they were noticeably less sore.  I also used it on my husband’s back and neck, and he too felt less tension in the morning." 

RecovHER was formulated to both soothe & relieve tightness so you can still be active. "After stressing my hamstring, I have been using RecovHER a few times a day, and it's amazing.” said Krista M. “I'm also using it on my notoriously tight shoulders and neck where I carry my stress; it really eases the tension. My husband used it after his half marathon, and he is convinced it helped speed his recovery. It’s a great product for sore and tired muscles, with cooling menthol and CBD for extra help! The roller is convenient to throw in your gym bag or take on the go. I highly recommend RecovHER."

RecovHER’s proprietary blend and applicator provide quick relief. "RecovHER has 3x the amount of CBD of my current product, so I found it provided faster and longer lasting relief of my muscle aches,” said Eerika Baka. “The scent is pleasant and not overwhelming like my current product."

RecovHER’s bottle was designed to be much Easier to Apply. "I really like RecovHER! Unlike another blue-hued product on the market (BioFreeze), this applied clear, which I really like that it doesn't leave a discoloration on my skin, almost appearing like a bruise."- Angie T.

"Ladies, we're no strangers to challenging workouts. Every single day, we bring it, pushing past our limits, and ‘kick our trash’ so that we can feel and look our best, but with that quest for mental and physical strength comes stress, inflammation, and fatigue within our muscles and as we challenge our bodies, we also need to care for them." - Shannon Johanson, Founder, and CEO, Lady Warrior

About Lady Warrior & Founder Shannon Johanson:

Welcome to Lady Warrior, a brand that grew from passion and my love for helping women look, feel, and achieve their best, but in all honesty, Lady Warrior was born through my vision after running an online fitness and food  blog called Fitnessfooddiva.  I was a full-time dental hygienist who, deep down, wanted to make a difference in the lives of all women near and far.  I would film workouts every morning at the gym with my husband and then upload them onto my blog and market them through the free social media outlet Pinterest.  Getting in shape and feeling good goes beyond just working out; it also has to do with what we put into our bodies, so I would create healthy recipes and share those across social media as well.  What started as a hobby back in 2013 began to grow into something so much more, which took my little Fitnessfooddiva blog into a full-on business of Lady Warrior. 

Running Lady Warrior has given me the opportunity to really grow, to listen to what women’s needs are and how to support them from a mental, physical, and emotional level.  I found myself wanting more out of myself, so I became a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach.  My online program, “Lady Warrior Healthy Mind & Body Makeover,” was my first One-on-One online coaching program that launched just before COVID-19 took the world by storm.  This program gave women hope, a purpose, an outlet, and the ability to workout from home to keep their minds and bodies healthy.  

Finding time for ourselves is a must on our “to-do” list.  As we transition through perimenopause into postmenopause, it becomes harder to adapt to the stress on our bodies; we suffer from more aches and pains,  so  we need to learn how to optimize our recovery so we can be capable of living strong, healthy lives.  As my coaching within Lady Warrior has changed gears once again, I am now more determined than ever to help peri and postmenopausal women understand the changes that are happening and how to work through them to come out stronger and healthier.  As we transition through life, let’s not forget to take care of our muscles and learn to RecovHER to come out stronger and more capable on the other side. 

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[Legal Disclaimer: *These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, care, or prevent disease.]

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